"Ace" |
A class "A" trucker |
"Thanks for the smokey report there Ace." |
"Advertising" |
Highway Patrol with their lights on |
"Smokey advertising at the 56 mile marker." |
"Alligator" |
Large piece of a tire on the road |
"There's a large alligator in the middle of the road up ahead." |
"At your back door" |
Behind your truck |
"You got a smokey at your back door!" |
"Bambi" |
Deer (dead or alive) |
"There's a Bambi on the side at the 43 yardstick." |
"Barbershop" |
A low overpass |
"I saw a driver take his trailer to the barbershop last week." |
"Bear bait" |
Leader in a group of trucks |
"Looks like Swift is the bear bait tonight." |
"Bear/Smokey" |
County or State Cop |
"Can I get a smokey report." |
"Bear cave" |
Police station on the highway |
"The bear cave is empty tonight so watch out." |
"Bear in the air" |
Overhead highway patrol |
"Slow down Roadrunner you got a bear in the air past the next rest area." |
"Bear meat" |
Speeding truck without a radar detector |
"That gearjamming large car is bear meat." |
"Bear report" |
Asking for the location of the cops |
"Can I get a bear report there covenant." |
"Bedbuggers" |
Moving companies |
"Bedbuggers on the side of the road." |
"Better half" |
Husband or wife |
"I sure do miss my better half." |
"Big/tall rubber" |
24 inch tires |
"I just bought new big rubber for my rig." |
"Bingo cards" |
Paper cards that hold trucking permits from different states |
"Better get your bingo cards out, they're checkin' em at the chicken coop." |
"Bluebird" |
A Martin Truck company's truck |
"Can I get a smokey report there Bluebird." |
"Blue Light Special" |
Law enforcement vehicle with light-bar lit up |
"Blue Light Special at the 25 so you better watch out." |
"Boardwalk" |
A bumpy road |
"I don't run 78 often cause it's a real boardwalk." |
"Bobtail" |
Traveling without a trailer |
"It sure can be hairy to bobtail in the rain." |
"Boogie" |
Top gear |
"I've got 'er up in the boogie now" |
"Boulevard" |
Interstate highway |
"Once we hit the boulevard we can put some miles behind us." |
"Boy scouts" |
State police |
"There's a bunch of boyscouts waiting for you at the 157." |
"Break" |
I'd like to break-in, interrupt |
"Can I get a break." |
"Brake check" |
Jamming on your brakes in traffic |
"Watch out we're doing a break check up ahead." |
"Break one-oh" or "Break-10" |
I want to talk (on channel 10) |
"Can I get a break one-oh." |
"Breaker" |
CB'er who asks to use a channel |
"Who's that breaker out there." |
"Bug out" |
To leave a channel |
"I better bug out and get some shut eye." |
"Bulldog" |
Mack truck |
"Who we got in that eastbound bulldog." |
"Bumper Sticker" |
Car following too closely |
"Hey CRST better watch out you got a bumper sticker on your backdoor." |
"Bundled out" |
Trailer is fully loaded |
"As bundled out as I am those hills will really slow me down." |
"Buttermilk" |
Any beer |
"When I get home I'm gonna get me some buttermilk." |
"Cabbage" |
A long steep incline in eastern Oregon |
"I jammed the brakes pullin' off of Cabbage" |
"Camera" |
Police radar unit |
"There's a local yokal with a camera just ahead." |
"Cash register" |
Toll booth |
"I'm comin' up on a cash register at highway 88" |
"Chicken coop" |
Truck weigh station |
"Are the chicken coops open this morning?" |
"Chicken lights" |
Extra lights on a truck |
"Look at all those chicken lights on that northbound bulldog." |
"Choke and Puke" |
Well known roadside eatery (Choke down the meal, puke it up later) |
"Choke and Puke at the 94 mile marker" |
"City kitty" |
Woman city police officer |
"You got a city kitty at the next corner up here." |
"Clean shot" |
No highway patrol around |
"Large Car you got a clean shot all the way to the state line." |
"Coal Bucket" |
Dump Trailer |
"Goin' up Rte. 61 in PA, better watch for them coal buckets." |
"Comeback" |
Return call or repeat |
"Can I get a come back on that smokey report." |
"Comedian" |
Median strip |
"You got a smokey in the comedian taking pictures." |
"Comic book" |
Truck driver's log book |
"The chicken coops checking comic books this morning." |
"Corn flakes" |
A Consolidated Freightway truck |
"Can I get a smokey report there corn flakes." |
"County Mounty" |
Highway patrol |
"You got a county mounty advertising at the 34." |
"Covered wagon" |
Gravel trailer covered with a tarp |
"There's a line of sand truck in this destruction up ahead." |
"Cowboy" |
Truck driver who constantly changes lanes at high speeds |
"We got a bunch of real cowboys out on the road tonight." |
"Crotch rocket" |
motorcycle |
"That crotch rocket better slow down or we're gonna have to call the meat wagon." |
"Cub scouts" |
Sheriff's deputies |
"Cub Scouts at the 97 so you better watch out." |
"Darktime" or "Dark 30" |
Nighttime |
"I am shutting this rig down right at darktime." |
"Destruction" |
Road construction |
"Seem's like all the roads in pennsylvania are always under destruction." |
"Dirty town" |
New York City |
"I got a load of garbage going to dirty town." |
"Do it to it" |
Speed up |
"Now that we're on the boulevard lets do it to it." |
"Double harley" |
Putting the CB on channel 11 |
"Anyone looking to buy a good C.B. take it to the double harley." |
"Double nickel" |
Traveling at 55 MPH |
"I sure got tired of running the double nickle." |
"Down stroke" |
A hill going down |
"You can put her in georgia overdrive on the downstroke." |
"Dragon fly" |
A truck with no power |
"Drag 'er up one side of the hill, let 'er fly down the other" |
"Dragon Wagon" |
Tow truck |
"Looks like that bulldog is gonna need a dragon wagon." |
"Dry box" |
Freight trailer |
"I pulled both skateboards and dry boxes." |
"Ears on" |
CB is turned on |
"Any smokeys out there with their ears on." |
"Eat-em-up" |
Truck stop Cafe |
"It's been so long since I stopped at the eat em up that my stomach thinks my throats been slashed." |
"Eighteen wheeler" |
A truck with 18 wheels |
"If you got it an 18-wheeler brought it." |
"Evil Kenivel" |
Motorcycle cop |
"There's an Evil Kenivel taking pictures at the 38." |
"Eyeball" |
Headlight |
"Southbound skateboard you have an eyeball out." |
"Fat load |
Overload, carrying more weight than local state law allows |
"Better not be running at fat load, cause the coops are open and checking ground pressure this morning." |
"Feed the bears" |
Receive a ticket |
"Looks like that chicken hauler likes to feed the bears." |
"Flappers" |
Ears |
"Anybody got there flappers on out there?" |
"Flip flop" |
Trucker's return trip |
"I'll catch you on the flip flop." |
"Fog lifter" |
Interesting CB'er |
"She sure was a real foglifter." |
"Four wheeler" |
Passenger car or pickup |
"Looks like smokey is giving that four wheeler and invitation." |
"Freightshaker" |
A Freightliner truck |
"We're gonna buy all new freightshakers next year." |
"Front door" |
Lead rig in convoy of trucks |
"Who's gonna run front door and be bear bait tonight?" |
"Garbage" |
Produce (bananas,lettuce etc.) |
"I sure am glad I'm not takin this load of garbage to Hunt's Point." |
"Gearjammer" |
A speeding trucker |
"We got us a real gearjammer in that eastbound lane." |
"Gearslammer" |
A trucker who's known to accelerate and decelerate a lot |
"Better watch out there's a real gearjammer in the granny lane." |
"General Mess of Crap |
GMC trucks by Volvo/White |
"I used to drive a general mess of crap." |
"Georgia overdrive" |
Neutral gear |
"You put her in Georgia overdrive on the downstroke." |
"Getting out" |
Being heard on the c.b. |
"Can anyone tell me if my c.b. is getting out?" |
"Go to the Harley" |
Putting your CB on channel 1 |
"This channel's too busy, lets take it to the Harley." |
"Going horizontal" |
Going to sleep |
"At darktime I'm goin horizontal." |
"Got your ears on?" |
Used when asking for someone on the CB |
"Hey, J.B. you got your ears on?" |
"Gouge on it" |
Go faster, speed it up |
"Once I get on the boulevard I'm gonna gouge on it." |
"Grass" |
Median strip or side of road |
"We got a four wheeler broke down in the grass at the 211 yardstick." |
"Green stamp road" |
Toll Road |
"Can anyone tell me if 76 is a greenstamp road?" |
"Green stamps" |
Money paid in fines (dollars) |
"Looks like the chicken coops are collecting plenty of green stamps today." |
"Hammer" |
Gas pedal |
"When we get past this parking lot we can really press the hammer." |
"Hammer down" |
Driving fast |
"We got a southbound smokey with the hammer down." |
"Handle" |
Slang names used on the c.b. |
"What's your handle there CRST?" |
"Harvey Wallbanger" |
Reckless driver |
"That 4-wheeler is a real harvey wallbanger." |
"Highway man/highway cop" |
State DOT enforcement unit |
"Highway man/highway cop at the 85 mile marker." |
"Honeybear" |
Female county or state police officer |
"Just passed a honeybear in a tijuana taxi takin' pictures." |
"Idiot box" |
T.V. set |
"When I get home I'm gonna buy me a new idiot box." |
"In the grass" |
Pulled over in a median strip |
"We got a smokey in the grass." |
"Invitations" |
Traffic tickets |
"You got a smokey at the 57 yardstick giving out invitations." |
"Juvenile delinquent" |
Someone pretending to be a truck driver |
"Let's take it to the double Harley ther's too many juvenile deliquents on this channel." |
"Kenosha Cadillac" |
Any AMC car |
"I sure don't see many kenosha cadillacs anymore." |
"Landline" |
Telephone |
"It is hard to find a landline when you need one." |
"Linear" |
Extra powerful amplifier used to increase CB transmitter output |
"I want to buy me a million watt linear." |
"Local Yokel" |
City police officer |
"That town up ahead is crawling with local yokels." |
"Local Yokel with a Customer" |
City police officer with someone pulled over |
"You've got a local yokel with a customer on your side." |
"Make the trip?" |
Is transmission being received |
"Did my signal make the trip?" |
"Mamma Bear" |
Female state trooper |
"Mamma Bear at the 40 so you better watch out." |
"Mile markers" |
Small signs on interstate highways |
"We got a smokey at mile marker 156." |
"Mix-master" |
Highway cloverleaf |
"You got a parking lot on the mix-master up ahead." |
"Motor city" |
Detroit, Michigan |
"I need me a load goin to motor city." |
"On the side" |
Pulled over on the shoulder |
"You got a 4-wheeler on the side up ahead." |
"One eyed monster" |
T.V. set |
"I think my kids would die if the one-eyed-monster broke." |
"Over your shoulder" |
Behind you |
"How's it look over your shoulder?" |
"Papa Bear" |
Big state trooper |
"Papa Bear at the 97 so you better watch out." |
"Pickle Park" |
Rest area |
"I don't often park overnight in the pickle parks." |
"Pickle Park Pinger" |
A CB with a roger-beep |
"I don't care much for them pickle park pingers." |
"Pickum-up" |
Pick-up truck, light truck |
"Watch out for that pickum-up truck broke down in the right lane." |
"Picture machine" |
Radar |
"Watch out for the picture machine at the corner of 9th and Wilcox." |
"Picture taker" |
Police with radar |
"There's a picture taker at the 27 mile marker." |
"Plain wrapper" |
Unmarked police car |
"Plain wrapper sitting at the 57 taking pictures." |
"Pregnant roller skate" |
Volkswagon |
"Better get over, we got a pregnant roller skate trying to merge ahead." |
"Pumpkin Driver" |
A driver for Schneider National |
"There's a pumpkin driver ahead." |
"Put the pedal to the metal" |
Accelerate, speed up |
"Let's put the petal to the metal." |
"Rake the leaves" |
Last vehicle in a string |
"Looks like I get to rake the leaves tonight." |
"Ratchet jaw" |
Non-stop talker |
"He sure was a ratchet jaw." |
"Read" |
Hear |
"Can you read me there Baylor." |
"Rest-um-up" |
Roadside rest area |
"Can anyone tell me where the next eastbound rest-em-up is?" |
"Rig" |
Tractor |
"I want to buy me a new rig next year." |
""Rocking chair" |
Vehicle between 2 trucks |
"Who we got in the rocking chair tonight." |
"Roger Beep" |
An add-on device for CB's that beeps when the mike key is pressed or released |
"How much did that roger beep cost ya?" |
""Roller skate" |
Small car |
"We got a roller skate broke down in the left lane so watch out." |
"Rolling parking lot" |
Automobile transport |
"Who's that in the rolling parking lot southbound." |
"Seat covers" |
Attractive women in vehicles |
"Look at the seatcovers in that westbound rollerskate." |
"Shake the leaves" |
See what's ahead |
"I guess it's my turn to shake the leaves." |
"Shakey town" |
Los Angeles, California |
"I'm on a mission to shakey town." |
"Shiny side" |
Top of the trailer |
"Keep your shiny side up and your rubber side down" |
"Skate Board" |
A flatboard trailer |
"Wish I was pulling a skateboard instead of this drybox" |
"Smokey on four legs" |
Mounted police |
"Ther's a smokey on four legs at the next corner." |
"Sweeping leaves" |
Bringing up the rear |
"Who's that sweeping leaves behind me?" |
"Stagecoach" |
A customized bus used to carry entertainers form venue to venue |
"Wonder if Faith Hill is in that stagecoach?" |
"Thermos bottle" |
Tanker truck |
"We just bought fifteen new thermos bottle's." |
"Tijuana taxi" |
Well marked police car |
"There's a tijuana taxi about a mile ahead." |
"Tin can" |
CB radio |
"I have to get a new tin can at the next truckstop." |
"Train station" |
Traffic court that fines everyone |
"Get out your money traffic court is a real train station today." |
"Two wheeler" |
Motorcycle |
"We got a two wheeler coming up fast in the left lane." |
"What's your 20?" |
Asking for location |
"Whats your 20 there New Penn." |
"Walked over" |
Over powered by a stronger c.b. signal |
"Come back on that someone walked all over you." |
"Willy weaver" |
Drunk driver |
"Watch out for the willy weaver in the granny lane." |
"Windjammer" |
Blabbermouth trucker |
"That Hunt driver was a real windjammer." |
"Window wash" |
A rainstorm |
"The news said we can expect a window wash later today." |
"Yardstick" |
Mile markers on the road side |
"There's a smokey advertising at the 75 yardstick." |
"You got a copy on me?" |
Do you hear me? |
"You got a copy on me there eastbounder?" |
"Zoo" |
Highway patrol headquarters |
"Better be careful the zoo is empty tonight." |