Once you've uploaded files, you can easily send them to anyone at absolutely no charge using the My Document's tool sending feature.
You have 2 options to send your documents:
Option 1
Click the Send icon at the top right of your screen.
Next, attach the file(s) you wish to send (1).
NOTE: By default, our factoring partner Thunder Funding (2) is selected to send to to accelerate quick pay on the load.
If you wish to send your documents to another recipient (ie. your factoring company, broker, dispatcher, etc), please select other (3) and complete the required fields.
Then click send and your attached documents will be sent via email to the recipient immediately.
Option 2
Start by selecting a folder (1) which contains the document(s) you want to send. Next, attach the file(s) you want to send (2), and then click the send icon (3):
You will see the selected document was successfully attached and is now ready to be sent. Note that you can add/remove additional files as needed.
Next, fill in the recipient details and click send. Your attached documents will be sent via email to the recipient immediately.
TIP: Sending documents directly from a working load allows you to quickly send them to the broker or shipper that posted the load as tall their information will be pre-filled for easy sending.